Burlington for Accessible Sustainable Transit
Burlington for Accessible Sustainable Transit

Question 4: Transit Advisory Committee

The question: Will you support the creation of a Burlington Transit Advisory Committee in the same vein as the existing Cycling Advisory Committee

The answers, by position:


James Kerr: I have, over the years, thought that we can and should be doing better with the transit system in Burlington. As long as such a Transit Advisory Committee is focused on results, then I am supportive of such an addition.
Anne Marsden: Response not received in time for our deadline.
Marianne Meed Ward: The city currently has an Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee which takes a unified approach to our transportation infrastructure, to make sure it works for cycling, transit, pedestrians and drivers. Details are below. This citizen-led committee has the ability to strike specific subcommittees, including on transit. 
Steve Rieck: We also greatly value the work of your BFAST independent citizen’s committee on transit, which has complemented the work done on the city’s committee in advancing transit. Clerks will be completing their review of citizen committees in the next term of council. There will be a range of additional options to be considered to ensure public input on key matters, including new ways of engaging residents.
William Tuck: Response not received in time for our deadline.

Council, Ward 1:

Kelvin Galbraith: I think the advisory committee is a great idea.  I also sit on the cycling committee and as a council member we need to hear from those that have more experience in transit related issues.
Robert Radway: Response not received in time for our deadline.

Council, Ward 2:

Keith Demoe: Yes, it would make sense to understand in better detail what residents require. Having a committee like this is important.
Lisa Kearns: In theory yes, however, need to see the Terms of Reference. I would like to see transit advocacy and improvements under the Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee – this umbrella advisory committee will focus on all forms of transportation in the community including pedestrian, cycling, transit and driving. It would be valuable to explore how a Transit sub-committee can help inform the shift to increasing the modal split that increases transit ridership.
Tim O’Brien: I certainly do. But, with this, I will insist that a significant number of people on the committee will be those who depend on public transit (e.g., seniors)

Council, Ward 3:

Jennifer Hounslow: Response not received in time for our deadline.
Luke McEachern: Yes.
Rory Nisan: This sounds great. Yes. 

Council, Ward 4:

Tony Brecknock: Editor’s note: Although we did not receive a written response from Tony Brecknock (possibly due to technical problems) the candidate did request a meeting and verbally expressed support for Burlington Transit and BFAST’s positions.
Olivia Duke: Creating a Burlington Transit Advisory Committee could serve as a benefit as we explore other transit service models to support the residents of our city.
Shawna Stolte: I have consistently been a committed champion for the creation of a stand-alone Burlington Transit Advisory Committee (BTAC) that can focus on offering the critical perspective of residents in order to enhance and promote an efficient, affordable and reliable public transit system in our community. I have represented Council on the Integrated Transit Advisory Committee (ITAC) for the past four years and been convinced that it is imperative that we separate Burlington Transit from this amalgamated Committee in order to ensure the levels of focus, attention and advocacy on public transit that are required to meet the goals of Burlington Transit’s 5-year Business Plan.
Eden Wood: Response not received in time for our deadline.

Council, Ward 5

Andrew Hall: Response not received in time for our deadline.
Denny Pirzas: Yes
Guy D’Alesio: I would strongly support the creation of a Burlington Transit Advisory Committee that uses a variety of tools to gather data and information to develop policies that will make Burlington Transit more reliable, equitable, convenient and safe. It is critical to have a body that is continually tracking and reviewing ridership patterns, needs, and issues. As Burlington population continues to increase, we need to ensure that public transportation is under constant observation and review.
Paul Sharman: Response not received in time for our deadline.

Council, Ward 6

Angelo Bentivegna: Yes
Rick Greenspoon:  I am unable to complete your survey in the time you have allotted. Although as a statement, I do support Burlington for Accessible Sustainable Transit, I do not have enough information and background data to answer all of your questions. 
Renato Velocci: Response not received in time for our deadline.